Git Log
To see the list of recent commits to the branch you are in, type in git log to see the last 5 commits. If you want to see a select number of the last commits, use git log -n [# number]
git log -n 3
Git log does have many built-in formatters for the commit history. If you want to see just oneline per commit in the git log, use git log --pretty=oneline. This will show the commit hash and the commit title in one line per commit.
git log --pretty=oneline
There is a short pretty formatter, use --pretty=short. This is same as the default git log output, but without the date.
git log --pretty=short
There is a medium pretty formatter, use --pretty=medium. This exactly the same as the default git log output.
git log --pretty=medium
The full pretty formatter (use --pretty=full) will just display the same detail as medium, but instead of date, it will show committer.
git log --pretty=full
The fuller pretty formatter (use --pretty=fuller) will display the same information as the full and also includes the author date and committer date.
git log --pretty=fuller
Filtering the git log
We can filter the git logs by date, author, and committer.
To see all the commits before a certain date, use git log --before=[date]
git log --before=2020-12-09
To see all the commits after a certain date, use git log --after=[date]
git log --after=2020-12-09
Customizing the git log output
We can customze the output of the git log
For example, if you want to see just the abbreviated commit hash, author name, date, and the commit title in oneline:
git log --pretty=format:"%h %an (%ar) %s"
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